
Property Owners

Property Owners Insurance

Are you a landlord? Do you own Residential or Commercial Property? Then contact us to discuss your insurance needs! We have affordable insurance solutions for all types of Property Owners. Residential Property Insurance, Industrial Property Insurance, and Commercial Property Insurances are our specialty.

Loss of Rent, Rent Default, Malicious Damage, Personal Injury, Fire and Water Damage are common occurrences for Residential Property Owners, Industrial Property Owners, and Commercial Property Owners.

Secure your asset! Contact us for an obligation free quote and let us tailor a comprehensive and affordable Insurance Package that suits your needs!

Common types of Property Owner insurances focus on assets, revenue, and liabilities.

These include but are not limited to:

Property Covers damage or loss to buildings, contents and stock caused by insured events and accidental damage
Public Liability Covers your business for legal costs and compensation costs that you might have to pay if you are found liable to someone because you caused death or injury, loss or damage to their property, or economic loss due to your negligence
Business interruption As a property owner, this will cover your Rental Income. This cover will respond If you suffer a loss from an insured interruption that results in a loss of income. For example, from a weather event, flood, fire or other insured interruption.
Glass Covers the replacement of external and internal glass, as well as specified glass items
Machinery/Equipment breakdown Covers the unforeseen breakdown of Machinery and equipment.
Rent Default Covers you if the tenant fails to pay their rent as per the lease agreement (as per the insurers terms and conditions)


Property owner insurance policies can be changed and customized to suit your needs. You can choose from a wide range of insurance cover specifically tailored for property owners.

Insurance companies that offer property owner insurance will often offer packages that bundle different types of insurance policies together. These are designed to meet the needs of most property owners and may be less expensive than purchasing policies separately.

There is no one-size-fits-all insurance solution for property owners. For example, the risks a property tenanted by an accountant has will be very different to those faced by a restaurant, wholesaler or manufacturer.

Each risk is unique. Premiums will vary depending on the nature of the risk, the risks the business is exposed to, the insurer and the product’s inclusions and exclusions.

When calculating your premium, the insurer will take many factors into consideration. These factors may include, but not be limited to:

  • The age of the property
  • The construction of the property (brick, EPS, metal, concrete, timber, asbestos etc.)
  • The condition of the property (property maintenance, renovations etc.)
  • Location of the property
  • Fire prevention measures in place (extinguishers, hose reels, alarms etc.)
  • Security measures in place (alarm and type of alarm system in place, CCTV, locks, bars on windows etc.)
  • Nature of the tenant’s business (professional, retail, wholesale, industrial etc.)
  • Claims history
  • Sums insured and covers selected
  • The deductibles / excess selected

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